After recent posts have been inundated with wrestling comments I just had to put this weeks legend as one of the all time greatest legends. When I was a lity I had cassetes of this owe as well as all the Wrestlemania's. How could we forget Hulk Hogan, The 24 inch Pythons, The phrase "What you Gonna DO When Hulkamania runs WILD ON YOU". The man wrestled the great legends from Hillbilly Jim, Andre the Giant, Roddy Piper, King Kong Bundy, George the animal Steel, Iron Sheik, Nicoly Volkov etc. These guys were around probably before Faheem Vahzerz were born. Then he went into the era of Honky Tonk Man, Jake the SNAKE, The heart foundation, Hbk, Stone COLD and to the guys that are wrestling now. I must admit I prefer the old Guys. They had character. Remememeber Brutus The Barber Beefcake. He used to cut the owes hair off after the match. Jake the Snake and his Python Damien, Jimmy Hart the MOUTH OF THE SOUTH. THE ULLLTIMATE WARRRIOR. How could we forget Macho Man Randy Savage with the stars on his jockey in the company of the Lovely First Lady of Wrestling Miss Elizabeth, The British Bulldogs, Earthquake. Hogan entertaing the crowd in a packed MaDISON SQUARE GARDEN with his song I am a real American. Those were the days.I HARDLY KNOW WHATS HAPPENING THESE DAYS, BUT THIS POST IS FOR ALL THE WRESTLING FANS ON THE BLOG THAT HAVE BEEN INVADING THE SOCCER POSTS.
What a legend! he has been at the the top for about 25 years at least. The other day he beat a guy half his age in Randy Orton. This chap is special. I am A HULK'A'MANIAC!!!!!!
Nah batista is no more champ...He contendin 4 it though ,wrestlin has been at the helm of all da sports...Like how pele is da all time great soka star.Hogan is da All time best,who could 4get wen he took on 29 other stars single handedly,or wen he disguised himself as Mr America,or lets recall wen he took on da beast Brock Lesnar.Although i neva lived in his days i watched videos of him.Hulk rule
ReplyDeleteAs i was sayin ...Der have been truly great moments in wrestlin .Like wen brock lesnar suplexed big show from da side n sent da ring crashin in ,or wen mr bret hart was stripped of his title victory by mr vince ,lets go bak to dis year wrestlemania-how shawn Martyded mr vince in da no rules match ,or wen undertaker made it 14 wins in a row at wrestlemania ,der have been dose outstandin moments ..
ReplyDeleteAs i was mentionin about great moments,like wen kane n undertaker stepped in da same ring,or wen mankind was sent flyin from da cage,lets recall edge vs mankind at dis year wrestlemania,or wen da dead man put brock to r.I.P.Dese moments have really stood out ,or wen wwf vs ecw at survivor series .Dese are moments 1should cherish ,dis vazherz laughs at me in class wen i tell him bout dis.Badat
ReplyDeletePeople must go n check out John Cena debut movie -The Marine sounds thrillin although i don tink it here still
ReplyDeleteDa greates legend of all time is The Rock -"if u smmmel wat da rock is cookin" man he DEFEATED Hogan ,stone cold,hbk,hhh,undertaker,kane man he was da don -happy ppl
ReplyDeleteall hail king booker
ReplyDeletecome one this WWE is more fixed than a Serie A match involving Juventus! how do u ppl watch this crap?
ReplyDeletei think there must be some undercover homosexual tendencies in all WWE fans!
watch your mouth!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletewho u calling a faggert you fairy?
Dis anonymous most probably is vazherz ..He just hidin behind anonymouty,wel vazherz ..Like da great 1 said -f+*k fear drink beer.Badat