I tell you the likes of Moosa Dangor, Azee, Hoosain, And the rest of the Alis MUST have been sweating last night when they went a goal down, Alas Hoosain Mayets Duas have saved you owes from an onslaught and slaughter and a BAKRI EID on the blog today. But look I am happy that they are in the next phase. This simply adds to the excitement and ensures the precence of the Big Boys in the next phase. Also it was good that finally an English team has dumped Benfica out. I told you owes that Vidic is a class act and makes Rio look f#$ken good. But Credit to you MUGGS as the Perishaans is over for a While.We will see who awaits you guys in the next phase.
What is it with Rafa and this competition. I foresee Liverpool going the distance here. It seems that Benitez just has that European edge.
And acoording to the FV Theory Liverpool should perform because the babes in Europe are sublime
*FV Theory=Liverpool play better in places where there is nice chics*
But Speak up chaps from the Kop!
Well guys we must admit these owes have had a good campaign thus far. For Mourinho this is the only thing that has eluded him. I think personally If he doesnt win this one he will get the boot from Roman. Sheva also looks like he is coming right
Look Faaiz Oz, Zam Ram, Jive, Eco Arsenal were nothing special in this phase. Something is lacking and the Toppie Arsene has to get his work done in this Christmas period. Even though Arsenal play great football, Something is lacking and getting knocked out in the next phase is highly probable.
Barcelona seem to getting into their stride, AC Milan are playing f$%ken sh#$e. Roma could be dark horses with a resurging Totti.
For Riyad Loonat the man will be having an early bath this year as Madrid look too eratic and far from convincing. Then again that could be their contingency plan.
And my heart burns again that there is no Juve to talk about. What a pity and sad state, But we all have to move on in life as hard as it is. Will they take us back in Serie A. Of course they will always take us back because we gave Serie A something special, Something they have never seen before. And we gave Europe Something Special. Wat u say Hazrat.?Catch my drift. If Juve were in Europe it would be in the class of Keely Hazel escourting Guiseppe Rossi to the night of the Oscars. Guiseppe was indeed a legend and a he too was a great MAN.
So to conclude we look forwar to a Hum Dinger of a second phase. I will now create a Competition on this Post. Predict a Winner of this Competition. Now is the time to back a team or your team and put ur owes money where your mouth is. The winning Prize will be a Dinner For Two Voucher at a resturant of My Choice, (Not Chicken Licken). So if you win you and ur vrou,chic, Chommy whoever will be treated to a meal. You must however leave your name, Predict ur Winner.
My WINNER WILL BE: LYON. Since there is no Juve
I am finally backing these bas#ar## till the End
Liverpool have performed much better in Europe than in Premiership so far.... but things are also strating to fall into place in the premiership... And with these Dubai okes about to buy the club... there will be cash there too...
ReplyDeleteI expect a big push in the league... it will be tough to catch the top 2... but we still play Chelsea, MUFC and arsenal at home.... so you never know... and MUFC have to play all of these fixtures away.... i think there is still hope...
With all the english clubs topping their groups though... one of them are sure to draw either Madrid or Barca...
ReplyDeleteWell done to UTD they pulled it of and came from a goal down, arsenal got through after another dissappointing and pathetic performance but luck was on their side but definately looked the weaker team, wenger needs to get in some players and change the formation back to 4-4-2 especially since henry is out coz adebayor is a mugg and cant cut it up front alone.
ReplyDeleteIts a good day for british soccer with 5 teams going through, i think this is a good reflection of the league on the whole and well done to the liverpool and chelsea okes also, 3 teams from spain and italy and all the big boys in its gona be some big games coming up
Very true swoosh, i was sweating a little after that cracker of a goal. It brought back memories of last season when we just couldn't score. However we showed great character to come back and win it. The side of this year seems to never give up. My only concern is from now on things are gonnna get rough in the CL. Likes of Madrid and Barca in the next round not gonna be easy. All the big names made it.So to win this one you have to be at the top of your game.
ReplyDeleteI also think Lyon stand a damn good chance and are a solid team, you'd never say houlier was manager but we'll leave that for the liverpool okes, im gona go for Barcelona coz their big name injuries are back next round and what a pleasure to watch messi in full force with their full squad
Still gona hope arsenal win it but realisticly its far fetched, UTD stand a chance also, dont think liverpool can pull it of but chelsea unfortunately stand the best chance from english teams, im supporting everyone who plays against chelsea