This is the third year of the Jihad Abus vs Alis.
Twice a year or maybe more my Blog becomes a war Zone. Lets start with definitions: ABU=Anyone but Utd
ALI=Anti Liverpool
The world has seen Sugar Ray vs Marvin Hagler, Real Madrid vs Barcelona, River vs Boca, Chiefs vs Pirates,Britney vs Christina, SA vs Austrailia, Mclaren vs Ferari,Hugh Hefner vs Larry Flint......But Liverpool vs Man Utd is a contest like no other
I bring back the speech Ive used before in other Jihad posts. The inspirational speech from William Wallace in Braveheart
"Sons & Daughters of the Blog . I am Naseem "Swoosh" Mayet. And what I see before me is an amy of my members from the KOP. You have come as Free Men & Women , and Free Men & Women you are. But What will you do with that Freedom?Aye, Play and you may win, Lose and You will live, At least for a while. Then die'ing in your beds many years from now. Will you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for just ONE CHANCE ,ONE.....And you may tell the Man Utd Muggs, That they will come to Anfield BUT THEY WILL NEVER TAKE OUR IZZET,IZZET,IZZET, IZZET,IZZET,IZZET."(DIGNITY)
As I said earlier they will never rob us in our own back yard. And they didnt. Now we make the hallowed trip to Old Trafford, a cathedral if you may call it. We will make the trip after hosting Madrid and whats more important in this Jihad is that the TITLE RACE will split our way if we beat the MANCS.
This is the one time that everybody and I mean Everybody goes to war on this Blog. Last time we hit 86 comments. Chicks were told to fry Samoosas and not share their input on ball. This is the one time that Any thing goes on the Blog, beside racism and religeon. So the Jihad: Abus vs Ali's will be upon us again. I urge every member of the Kop to wield their swords and step on the batllefield. Post you comments. Join the Fight. This is what its all about you Utd Muggs. This is the time when we place friendship aside and put Izzet(Dignity) in Front. For the Arsenal supporters they are like the Irish, You can never trust them on which side they'll be On.So Join the Fight, For the Babes Stand your ground, Post your comments please against these sexist owes. Show that your opinion counts. And Everybody join the bloodshed , Spill some Blood and leave a comment.This is the time that we PUNISH MAN UTD on this Blog. This is the time that we show them that referees are always not on their side. This is the time that we show them They will never steal victory in stoppage time. This is the time we bury them.
Swoosh. Proud member of the Abus and Anti Utd.
You Will Never Walk Alone Liverpool Fans.This is a time when we fight till the end, Where Color, Religion and race doesnt matter. Where you will watch the back of the next man as he will watch yours. Whatever happens come Saturday I will be the first to enter the field of battle and I will be the last man to leave and WE WILL LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND
Here is an interesting article that I found on the web. Its abour what we are disussing. Why do liverpool hate Man Utd so much and vice versa
Joel Rookwood
European Football
Writer ‘Liverpool Red Diary’
Why do Liverpool hate Manchester United so much? Feel free to riff away, and don’t worry if it seems too obvious / regional.The Liverpool-Manchester rivalry precedes football, to such an extent that there was even a debate on local television a few years ago detailing the origins of the mutual dislike, which got fairly heated to say the least. Whilst there are some very evident social connotations though, much of the current hatred however stems purely from football.
Historically Man United are a big club, and won the European cup before us in ’68 an achievement they held gleefully over us until we won it ourselves in 1977, which we did under the guidance of the legendary Paisley. In nine years as Liverpool manager Paisley won three European cups, one super cup, six titles and three domestic cups, and yet did not get the recognition he deserved. But then again he was the Liverpool manager so why would he? Preceded by the legendary Shankly, who revolutionised Liverpool, and succeeded by Fagan who clinched the treble in his first season, Liverpool went on to become the greatest club in England. Following this Fagan’s successor King Kenny Dalglish took over and won the double in his first season, illustrating what we all know - Liverpool unlike no other English club is a dynasty. Liverpool have never been about one season or one manager, but instead our ethos is simple - ‘consistent success’. We never hark on about a one-off achievements like United do with their treble of ’99.
Regularity of accomplishment has always been our philosophy.Our record of eight trophies in eleven years in the ‘70s and ‘80s was equalled by ‘them’ under Ferguson last season. And yet when we achieved this fete, we also won five European trophies in that time, whilst United by comparison could manage only the one final. And yet was this isolated achievement recognised? A swift knighthood for Ferguson following his solitary European cup, thanking him for making football interesting for non-Liverpudlians once again answers that question. It is not United’s achievements, for they are lesser than ours, but the fact that our more impressive trophy haul has and always will be overlooked, which forms the bulk of our loathing for Man United, who just happen to be number two and the darling of the media.But whilst we hate ‘them’, our position as Britain’s most successful club, with eighteen championships and seven European trophies means their hatred for us is far stronger.
Consequently these days our annual visits to Old Trafford are never quiet affairs, as Liverpool FC Vs Manunitedplc.com/nike/thetreble/scouseobsession/1969-1992didnotexist(clubdefootball) games are invariably heated encounters. But I’m sure every home supporter packed into the theatre of commercialism when Liverpool are in town, at least the fifteen thousand Mancunians who follow United instead of Man City, who understand the rivalry, hate us with a passion we don’t share. Not at least, to anything like the same degree.
2. The rivalry’s got worse over the last decade or two. What happened? Was there a specific turning point?With United’s recent success they think that our record of eighteen championships is in their sights now, intensifying the rivalry. In 1992 we had won twice as many titles as our nearest rivals, who were Everton with nine. United had won only seven, and saw no hope of ever catching us. Our abysmal form over the last decade under Souness and Evans though, coupled with United’s resurgence has meant we are now more aware of Man United on a football level. The Liverpool fan’s lack of faith at the current regime under Houllier has done little to relieve this tension, and as such I would not be surprised to see it worsen. There was no specific match you could pin the intensification of the enmity upon. United’s recent title wining streak, together with the fact that we are, despite this run, still well ahead in the trophy stakes is the reason for the current rivalry, which is unparalleled in this country and always will be.
3. How much of it is down to the level of success enjoyed by each club? Are Liverpool fans more bitter now? Were United fans more bitter then?In the current climate, the rivalry relates almost entirely to the level of success, simply because the honours list of the two teams is more similar than it once was. With United having caught up to an extent, and Liverpool having not won the title since the early nineties, relations have soured somewhat from the Liverpudlian perspective. However although it is not unreciprocated, United fans have always been more bitter towards Liverpool fans. They have been raised as supporters of a big club, though one that is inferior to one (in particular) foe - Liverpool. We on the other hand have won eighteen titles and four European Cups - we are there to be worried about, not the other way around.
4. Can you see things ever changing for the better or will it get worse and worse?There will never be good relations between fans of the two clubs, irrespective of events on and off the field. It’s just one of those things you have to accept in life, something that has been and always will be passed on through the generations. Other rivalries will come and go for both clubs, but as for Manchester and Liverpool, we hate them and they hate us, and this will always be the case.
5. What’s the nadir of the relationship? The worst behaviour of the United fans/the thing LFC fans have done that’s most embarrassed you.Whilst there are several distinct dissimilarities between the two clubs, we also share many common characteristics, notably we have each experienced major disasters; the 1958 Munich air disaster in which nineteen people perished including eight members of Man United’s squad, and the 1989 Hillsborough disaster, in which 96 Liverpool fans lost their lives. The more bitter elements of both clubs have countless songs celebrating both disasters. Both parties express such sentiment more frequently than many would believe, and have an array of chants that neither fan base should be proud of. Nothing could be any worse than that, and this is the type of factor that renders the Liverpool-Manchester rivalry more intense than any other in the country.
6. Particularly amusing anecdote/joke/chant?Even with our famous witty vocal support, we do much of our talking (at least the printable, tasteful sort) through our world famous banners. The ‘Don’t bomb Iraq nuke Manchester’ flag and the ‘Hillman is a Scouser’ banner (the latter in relation to the Mancunican-slaying character from Coronation St), displayed at the league cup final last year, were but two examples of typical Scouse humour, which is bettered by none. Our banner ‘Forever in our shadow’ is another, which says it all. We have won more trophies than United, and whatever is said between fans of the two sides, it is always only a matter of time before the conversation relates back to the contents of the respective trophy cabinets. It is a football rivalry after all.
7. Mancunians and Scousers get on otherwise though, right?With the cities situated just thirty miles apart, and yet the inhabitants of both clearly displaying very different attitudes on life, the social connotations are always evident in the rivalry. Liverpudlians are immediately recognisable due to their distinct accent and dress sense, especially to Mancunians who can smell a Scouser a mile off. Consequently any trip to Manchester, even a simple shopping excursion could well prove problematic. I go there twice a year, Man United away and Man City away - and that’s my lot.
© Joel Rookwood 2004
source: http://www.redandwhitekop.com/article.php?id=448326
The Big One – Man United vs Liverpool So it’s the big one this weekend and since Swoosh has allowed for “war” on the blog, I’m going to call it as it is … United all the way !!! It also seems that I’m not the only one calling the result United’s way, but most of the English press and football pundits as well. The rivalry between United and the Scum is without doubt the most intense in the sports world to date and every Scouse bastard making the journey east to Old Trafford this weekend knows that this rivalry is no stranger to producing blood and broken bones. The Scouse firms have held their own for a long while but much like their football club, their glory days are long over and the Scouse to Manc injury ratio is significantly in favour of the Mancs (for the scouse okes trying to work out what that means, for long time now, the Red army have been kicking the shit out of the Scouse lads home and away).
Football firms and fighting aside, this weekends fixture is the biggest in the EPL and with a six point swing on the cards anyone that knows even a little bit about football knows this is the match of the season. A win for United virtually guarantees them a third successive Prem title and more importantly puts them on par with Liverpool with the number of league crowns (and makes it very difficult for the Scum to claim to be the most successful club in England), a win for the Scum keeps their withering title hopes alive for a while longer … The questions begs to be asked … Who’s going to take it? The answer, irrespective of the club you support, is an obvious one … Man United. Man United will trounce Liverpool, this certain for a number of reasons, the most important and obvious being:1. Unlike Liverpool, Man United is a team of collective brilliance and do not depend on just three players. Liverpool are nothing without Stevie G, Carragher and Torres. I can already hear the ABU’s going on about Ronaldo and how United supposedly depend on him. To you fuckers I say, what about Wayne Rooney, Rio Ferdinand, Vidic, Evra, Giggs, Berbatov, Carrick, Scholes, V d Sar … oh look at that, the entire United core is pure class. We’ve shown time and again this season that we can play and win without Rooney, Ronaldo, Rio …
2. United’s depth is far superior to that of Liverpool. Our fringe players can step up and take the game to Liverpool or any other club for that matter. Players like Pak can step up and do the job just as well as any of the Pool players and with the impending CL fixtures this is a handy card to have up your sleeve.3. The Gaffers – any which way you look at it, Rafa is not half the manager Sir Alex is. He will come in to this fixture without having a clue. He’s already made it obvious to the entire world that he cracks under a minimal amount of pressure from Ferguson and quite simply doesn’t have the balls to go toe to toe with the greatest manager English football has ever known.4. Current form – Every fixture United go into it is expected, not only by supporters and media, but the opposing team as well that United will emerge victorious after the final whistle has blown. Teams are playing for draw against United this season and are happy to take a point from them … it is the complete opposite with Liverpool. No teams fear them and even the most hardcore of scouse lads is never certain of 3 points before a Liverpool kick off.5. Lastly, Liverpool do not deserve victory at Old Trafford. They’ve been a mediocre team throughout the season and are lucky to be even in remote contention for the title. If Villa had to take three points off us this season, it wouldn’t be a travesty but IF (by some sort of miracle) Liverpool were to walk away from Old Trafford with 3 points (or even 1), it would an injustice United supporters and football.
There you have it, no scouse can intelligently argue why Liverpool should be victorious this weekend. All you ABUs know that bottom line, we are living in the Man United era of football and your only chance of taking anything away from Old Trafford this weekend will have to come in the form of luck. I can understand and appreciate support for your club, but you have to honest and call a spade a spade, Liverpool don’t deserve anything and won’t come away with anything from Old Trafford aside from bruised egos and yet another year of miserable disappointment
Video's showing what the rivalry is all about
Amidst the passion , this link was sent to me by a MANC Fan , He says when this song plays at old trafford, your hair stands on your back

By Uncle Bhai Ghora
Vat is Izzet. Izzet is the gujrati vord for pride and make no mistake dat Sundays game is about Pride. In this case its an important game in title chase but ven dese two teams meet.its pride at stake. And Saturday is about pride. How many times in my lifetime I see people fighting over dis rivalry. Gori Ma cam out vith Velan vun day ven her son and grandson ver fiting. Similarly Svoosh always mention da OIL SUMP incident ven his cousin took da car after he fought vid his Liverpool father. In his sorrow he hit the car and broke oil sump. Den deh vas uncle who fought at AKALS. Eventually Akalwaya brothers had to calm him down, give him some chips and vater and say its just a game. Den deh vas uncle whou made a scene at vedding house over UTD and Liverpool. Family nearly ended up fighting beacuse of two fans in da lounge. Den dehs Svoosh's connection in UK, I believe if you visit him , you cant enter his house vid a MAN UTD or other team jersey. He tells you to f@#4k off. He vas famous for throwing his TV on da road ven Liverpool lost against Arsenal in 88-89..
Its all about pride and if any lady or person says dat people are mad and men cant ca rry on like dis for soccer, den go fry some bajyas or go make achaar. Dis in not your place. It goes further. Deh vas a owe in Lenz dat said ven he dies he vants to be buried in a MAN UTD KIT in his Coffin, Den deh vas owe dat said dat he will stop sex vid his vife if Liverpool and Man utd game vas on ,on his first night. Its BIGGG people. And whoever vins vill gloat on Sunday and all da kits vill cum out.
"It was the loss of blessed youth that so grieved the world. Byrne, Pegg, Taylor, Edwards, Colman, Whelan, Jones and the reserve full-back Geoff Bent, all died along with 15 others.
That Manchester United rebuilt from this wreckage, to win the European Cup 10 years later, is lore, arguably English football's greatest story. Murphy had not travelled to Belgrade because he was managing Wales and, when he visited the injured in the Munich hospital, Busby groaned to him: "Keep the flag flying, Jimmy."
For me since the blog started the only real success I have tasted was when Italy won the World Cup in 2006. Apart from that I have endured constant torment as the MANCS whom most of you know about my hatred for them have dominated the proceedings. We can go on about luck, bad decisions, Theft and scoring at the death, escaping with points time after time. But what lurks at Old Trafford. The words of that one fan always ring through my head. That on a night at Old Trafford the Ghosts of Munich come down. I mean how many times have the MANCS pulled things off, in stoppage time.Lets go back again to Nou Camp in 1999. Which team wins the European Cup in that fashion. The Fan said " You may have seen 11 players on the field, but there were 20. Duncan Edwards, Tommy Taylor in attack, Charlton in midfield. ALL THE MUNICH BOYS WERE THERE.
I often ask myself, that the more we hate them, the more they pull things off. Were the Ghosts there to make John Terry Slip. Again the MANCS clinched it in dramatic fashion. In 1996 I visited Old Trafford and we met a Man Utd Fan. I asked him how is this stadium and atmosphere at night. He said "Lad when you sit at OLD TRAFFORD, YOU FEEL A PRESENCE AROUND YOU THAT MAKES YOU SHIVER. YOU FEEL AS IF YOU ARE BEING WATCHED OVER. Call him superstitious or a man that believes in the super natural, But I say again Was IT THE GHOSTS THAT decended down and helped Manchester UTD win EUROPE TWICE from the death, and grab victory at the death always. As Jack Palance used to say in his scary voice. "BELIEVE IT OR NOT"
Watch this video and listen to what this fan says. Ghosts I ask you?
United V Liverpool
BUILD UP This game holds little significance cos the league is virtually wrapped up. It’s about Pride. If the LFC pull off an upset, you bet KOP fans will put up a reward for the Arsenal who still need to come to the Theatre to do the same. That’s how desperate these scousers are to win their first league title in 19 years. Actually their first ever Premier League title. So much of the outcome of this game will depend on how the midweek champion’s league results turn out. If both United & LFC go through this game will be a HUMDINGER, a thriller!! Lets hope that happens, if either team gets dumped in the champs league the psychological advantage will be immense for the quaterfinalist. Its gonna come down to mental toughness for Liverpool to cope at the Theatre. With Uniteds current form even if you could resurrect Shankly’s greatest team for the clash at the Theater they would be shaking in their chimpils.
TEAMS SAF & Rafa believe in rotation the difference is the former always applies it effectively. It will be intriguing to see if SAF plays Giggs the way he did against Chelsea. I would go for a 4-3-3 with Ron, Carrick & Scholes in the middle. Upfront Giggs just behind Rooney & Berbatov. Rooneys ability to lead the front line, crisp finishing & tactical awareness is bound to bamboozle.
FORM Winning the World Club Cup & League Cup has given this United team unbelievable confidence no matter what the situation, as demonstrated against Newcastle after going a goal down against a very resilient Toon army. Fulham were massacred over the weekend against a RonaldoLESS United, Hodgson described United as unplayable. All the fools that keep saying we’re a one man team get a grip it takes 22 class players to be the current World Champions!! Without Gerrard LFC run around aimlessly, their display against Middleborough was appalling for the so called championship contenders.
However the one thing you cannot take away from the KOP flops is fight, these dudes can pull up their socks when it matters & they can throw some pretty serious blows. But they shouldn’t kid themselves they will be coming to the Theatre to HOLD United!!! A draw will suit them fine since Rafa’s becoming an artist. He still hasn’t signed a new deal, Parry has resigned & the hierarchy at Anfield seems to be crumbling. That said LETS GET IT ON…
Vs Inter (2nd leg)
SAF made a tactical error not starting Rooney in the first leg, we outplayed the Italians in their own backyard but failed to capitalize on some very good chances. If Rooney starts on Wednesday night we gonna see some goals!!
We have entered the week that could define Liverpools season and also the fate of Rafa Benitez. Liverpool welcome the mighty Real Madrid to Anfield tonight and travel to Old Trafford on Saturday in what could be a crucial game for both Liverpool and Manchester Utd's title aspirations. While many people already say its over I still believe that if we get the 3 points at old Trafford the title race could go down to the wire.Taking a 1 goal lead into the 2nd leg of the Champions League Knockout stage, Real Madrid still have everything to play for. By no means is this tie over. Madrid have the experience and class to snatch the victory out of Liverpools grasp but Rafa's boys will no doubt be up for the fight. In todays press conference Rafa says that he will give Torres every chance of playing against Madrid and would wait until the absolute last minute to make a decision. Gerrard should lead Liverpool out at Anfield in what would be his 100th European appearance for the club. Rafa still has problems with the right back slot as Arbeloa is still missing and after Skrtles dismal performance at right back against Middlebrough he might have to deploy Mascherano who gave a good account of himself against Sunderland in mid-week. Benayoun is out of the clash after a bizzare training ground collission caused him to tear his hamstring so Kuyt should be re-called at right half and Reira on the left with Stevie G playing just behind Torres. This formation has worked well for Rafa in the past and could be the key to beating Madrid.Whatever team Rafa starts with we just have to attack Madrid from the first whistle and who knows what could happen with out "12th" man "The Kop" in full flight Madrid could just get caught cold. This could work in our favour on what should be a very special European night at Anfield.
I hope Bemitez doesnt stuff up. My ideal line up would be reyna, arbeloa, nsua, charagher, mascherano, alonso and riera.
ReplyDeletegerard in the whole, kuyt and torres if fit.
It's a big game an LFC win and maybe ..just maybe all is not lost as far as the league is concerned.
ReplyDeleteUtd fans are really the height of irritation and would be nice to knock them down a peg..
Btw - Forza Inter
sadly this jihaad wont be all that.
ReplyDeleteEven if liverpool win this battle, they still have lost the war.
and they only have themselves to blame.
Doing all the hardwork at Anfield, and then throwing away many points.
its gonna be a tight game, with the game decided by a mistake rather than brilliance.... Ronaldo has NO BMT.
Forza the special one
Hey Shoobs...are you trying to say that your arguement is an intelligent one. I mean you telling us that manure are gonna win ...ok and how great you kak team is....ok and what great players you have....ok but just like you I think my team will win and we also have great players so there really is no point to yur arguement.
ReplyDeleteBTW we gonna fuck yous up on Saturday.......you bunch of Wankers
We'll show you fuckers whos BOSS this weekend.
ReplyDeleteRafa and the boys will rise to greatness.
Long live Stevie G Long live
Hola LFC
What a cunt Shoobs you telling us exactly what every Manc thinks, what a waste of time and space. Swoosh where do you get these Manc fuckers from?
ReplyDeleteYou should go sit in your corner Shoobs with your thumb up your ass and think about what you did!
Macherano will be key. Its up to monster Mash to dictate the midfield and thats where the game will be won
Once again Liverpool claiming victory prematurely.
ReplyDeleteWe will just have wait for Monday
Enough said
u wil wish it was hillsborough again after we slaughter you muggs!
ReplyDeleteabr you got no balls! forget bmt, u like a faggot hiding behind ronaldo! let me fuck you up!
ReplyDeleteOk fairgo after school.
ReplyDeleteSpitch spitcha spitcha
any1 but abr : time to crawl back into your mothers poes
ReplyDeleteSHOOBS - You forgetting one thing Liverpool beat you Mancs already this season... And one more thing when we beat you guys that day Gerrard nor Torres were playing... Says alot about your team now doesn't it.
ReplyDeleteEdge lets look back at the previous Jihads that we watched together...
ReplyDeleteHow many were won by you guys...1...
That is 1 in about 7 years...
You know that I know that you guys are shit scared to come to OT...
And to the scouse piece of shit that says Ronbaldo has no BMT, look back at the big games, he scored in almost all of them...
Lastly Dirk Kuyt is the ugliest mother fucker in the league. I know Rooney is ugly, but remember its cos his a scouser...
Swoosh.. Even if we do beat the MANC's this Saturday. It would require for them to lose another 2 more games and draw one provided we win all.. Fair enuf they still have Villa, Man City and Arsenal left to play but i somehow dont see them losing points easily..
ReplyDeleteAlso, wednesdays Inter game could be key for us on SAT.. Ferguson stated he wants Champ League at all costs.. Lets hope the Special One finally delivers..
Stunna - Wats ur excuse for Luke Chadwick and the planet of the Apes lookalike Tevez
ReplyDeleteWhat's your excuse for Ribery?
gynae you mother got a stunning poes! it was dripping!
ReplyDeleteare u abr? or are you giving him in the gaan? u doos!
Beckham - Ribery is French u fag
ReplyDeleteDavid Beckam
ReplyDeleteU a moffie!
Atleast Riebery makes the power dua! what do you do?.....Go to Rebecca or Posh or maybe even Ronaldo.
Who is this STUNNA?....Is he a closet Seth
What about Jurgen?Is he a Geramn wana be!
Ask for the GENERAL
Teko"the gifted one" Modise
Jurgen, you moron!
ReplyDeleteRibery plays for Bayern the club you coach!
In that case Tevez is Argentinean?
Gifted One - why you bringing religion into an ugliness debate?
This is about who's ugly!
Rem what Clemens Westerhof said about you, your ass is too small! He can hold it in one hand that is why he loses the ball so easily.
kop out butter your gaan, coz the gaan maros are coming!
ReplyDeletekopout its too late to bet you clown!
ReplyDeletewhere was your mouth at the start of the year!
kopout for mugg of the kop!
Hey all u motafuckin muggs and biatches thats how u all sound but read all the comments and fuk i'm tripping....
ReplyDeleteI'm not getting into the old comment of who's gonna beat who i just think this has no bearing on your life whatsoever of who wins. These fuckas play and win thousand if not millions every year and we die hard fans earn zilch but the way u guys carry on like you own the team beats the crap outta me...
Lets see what happens Saturday but all i can say is the Mancs are going to win
So fuck all u livertwats coz now i really do give a fuck u ugly down trodden biatches
You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. You call youselves Muslims but the language that you use on fellow Muslim brothers is shocking.
ReplyDeleteBanter is good but please refrain from using such vulgar words.
Muslim brother
Yes I agree...no need to use such vulgur language to get a point across.
ReplyDeleteSo, the Liverfools won last night...They were just lucky thats all. They have been playing crap all season and just by chance, they won last night.
Man United has been much more consistent this season---lets hope it keeps up for Saturdays' match, coz they do tend to get a bit too over-confident and slack in their performance.
I hope that Man Utd wipe the field with Liverfool :-)
Glory glory Man United!!!!
To Hillsborough Lover, Pease refarain from using your name as loyal supporters of our great club feel that it is very offensive.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that you are a Manchester Utd fan and aware of the fact that your club also suffered a tragedy in the Munich air crash of '58 and you would not like it when people would make jokes or nasty references to the loss of life suffered that day and lets be honest you guys lost some great players that day. The 96 fans that died at Hillsborough are to this day still mourned by the people of Liverpool and anyone associated to the club.
As a fellow supporter of football I humbly appeal to you to please remove the name that you are using.
Yours in sport
"Hillsborough Lover" YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF, HONESTLY THINK ABOUT YOUR NICK, PROFILE NAME and i have to agree with Red for life that you outta line here. for the interest of sport please change your name. SWOOSH BAN THIS DUDE IF HE COMMENTS AGAIN.
ReplyDeleteswoosh said this is jihaad anything goes! now you winers want to complain! what do you think the man city and liverpool fans sing about against mufc? they sing and mock about munich etc! thats football in the uk its passionate! get a life you muggs!
ReplyDeletei salute you hillsborough lover for saying it as it is! this aint a place for sissies!
ReplyDeletewhat kak is this about banning dudes etc?
ReplyDeleteits a free post its abu v ali! you can say what u like?
red for life you more like a faggot for life!
ReplyDeletei mean who the fuck gives themselves a nickname! Theatre of Dreams??? There is nothing worse then somebody giving themselves a nickname, imagine if one of your friends suddenly started asking you to call him MR LOVER or Mr Untouchable, you would hate him.
ReplyDeleteMake no mistake about it, this sickening nickname was not given by a neutral fan, it was given by some sad little man trying to compensate for the fact that the ground, even with its huge capacity, has no real atmosphere.
WHAT ABOUT TIME KEEPING FERGIE? he has shares by now with TAG or some swiss company. he should do well in retirement rather keeping time in the olympics! Official undisputed time keeper of the world.
Mr Ferguson last year had the balls to note that Arsenal seemed to score a lot of goals late on in games. I seem to remember when Utd won one of their first championships that Steve Bruce scored a winning goal on the Monday morning after a Saturday kick-off, such was the amount of injury time.
Seriously, people have died waiting for Utd games to finish, the only reason ticket prices are so high at Old Trafford is that you are guaranteed 15 minutes extra football every game.
Unless they are winning of course, in which the whistle is usually blown around the 87th minute mark.
How much money does alex ferguson spend per season on chewing gum??????
ReplyDeletePlease select correct answer.
A. not sure but i heard it is actually to hold his dentures and make sure they don't drop out!!!
B.He's Scottish which means he is very 'frugal 'or in other words 'tight' with his money so i would say not alot, infact i reckon he gets the chewing gum for free from his local newsagents in return for some free tickets and signed photos that his newsagent then sells on eBay for a big fat profit.
C. dont think he ever spits it out
D.Not nearly as much as he spends on the amount of alcohol he must need to keep that nose as red as it always is!!
E. think it's the same piece of chewing gum. I think he puts it behind his ear at the end of each match.
Slur Alex whisky-nosed 'orrible old sour-faced cunt Taggart Altime greatest diving scout(born 31 December 1341 in Parkhead, Glasgow) is a Scottish diving manager who spends most of his time using his vast wealth, sorry, 'tactical acumen' (of which a dormouse with a prefrontal labotomy possesses more than "Old squeaky bum") to make Manchester United the biggest bunch of whingeing, cheating twats in the history of the universe. Although only became a household name when he wed Falkirk based East Stirwingshire FC to their first ever domestic league victory in 1974. In his spare time, Fergie dresses up in a skirt and sings for the The Proclaimers. He is also described as the "biggest prick on Earth" by everyone associated with Manchester United F.C
ReplyDeleteYeah thats why you guys hide behind you stupid nick names.You guys are real manly in this blog.
You don't know the first thing about passion. You sound more like a hater than a supporter.Good luck to you mate.
Your ass is red "red for life".
ReplyDeletehis ass is red from all the gaan maro he catches!
ReplyDeleteare these clowns for real? who the fuck cares about the chappies sir alex eats or that he watches the clock? get a life you cunts! worry about what happens on the field, scousers lack of intelligence baffles me!
ReplyDeleteYou fuckers are so childish, one really wonders about the levels of intelligence on this blog.
ReplyDeleteManc Hater, Munich Lover
Good comeback!!! really intelligent