Monday, August 14, 2006


I was sitting and having dinner on Friday night with my okes when the following comment was made regarding Anti Man Utd Fans

“They are all a bunch of ABUs – Anyone But United”
–Hoosain Mayet in response to those that oppose Old Trafford


  1. Rumour has it that Del could be seen in the yellow & blue jersey of Lesco FC, plying their trade in the Lenz Super League. He's been heard to say that he'd rather be seen in sunny SA in yellow & blue than Serie B. Solly's Discount World are said to be putting up the transfer cash as they've seen this as a brilliant marketing strategy having a WC winner in their corner. Any truth to this?

  2. Mixed Feelings about this.
    On one hand betraying Juve and the other coming to ZA.
    At least not friggin' England.

  3. u guys are late. . . real lesco signed him already. . .they also bought paolo. . .spoke to paolo just now and he authenticated dels arrival. . .rumour has it that WITS UNDERWEAR are paying the transfer fee which is in the region of 56 million ZIM DOLLARS . . . .FAHEEM_VEZHARZ


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