Wednesday, December 13, 2006



Bye Bye Goolam Patel. Your comments will now be ignored and you are banned with immediate effect. YOU ARE THE WEAKEST LINK..GOODBYE

Also anyone that posts comments of a similar nature will be booted and their comments ignored.
After consulting with advisors this decision has been reached.

By the way Breaking News on the Ball front is that Lippi is poised to take over the reigns of AC Milan when the January transfer windows.
Faheem Vahzerz where did you get that crap about Ferguson retiring

Also other breaking news in. You owes know that Russian spy that was poisoned in the UK. He was poisoned with a substance called Polonium 210
London - British investigators have found minute traces of polonium 210, the radioactive isotope that killed former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko, at Arsenal's London stadium, a public health spokesperson said on Tuesday.
"Minute quantities (of polonium) were found at barely detectable levels at localised areas," said Health Protection Agency spokesperson Katherine Lewis. "There is no risk to public health."
British police are in Moscow investigating Litvinenko's death in a case that has strained ties between Britain and Russia since the exiled former spy on his death bed accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of ordering his assassination.
Litvinenko died in a London hospital on November 23 from a lethal dose of polonium 210 after falling ill on November 1.

Maybe thats why Henry is out

Manchester, England - Wayne Rooney nearly got injured in a different venue - while watching the New York Knicks basketball team at Madison Square Garden.
The Manchester United striker and fiancee Coleen McLoughlin sat courtside on Monday night when 2.03-metre Paul Pierce of the Boston Celtics lunged for a loose ball and landed on Rooney's surgically repaired right foot.
"It was scary," Rooney said on Man U's website. "He rolled right over my foot."
Luckily, there was no damage to the foot that kept Rooney out of England's opening match in the World Cup last summer. The Celtics beat the Knicks 97-90.
United players were given three days off after the Manchester derby before returning Wednesday to prepare for Sunday's trip to West Ham United.


  1. Our young team strikes fear in one of the richest men in the world and the richest club in the world

    Well done wenger

  2. Is there no freedom of speech anymore?

    If someone says something which people do not want to hear does that necessary make it wrong?

    Because you and like minded people like you do not want to hear what my husband has to say does not justify banning him.

    He is a passionate fan and does that make him anymore different to you or anyone else who was so quick to criticise him?

    Do you not have blind faith in your team and if they had a bad start to the season would you in the privacy of your home not wish they could still win the league even if it is highly unlikely?

    He airs he's views but how many of you so called liverpool fans dont swear Manchester United and wish they lose?

    You all do, you all hypocrites because you do exactly what my husband does if not worst when you amongst liverpool fans.

    Constantly the author of this blog criticeses Man Utd and openly states he wants them to lose but than it is ok, why the double standards?

    If you willing to give criticism can you not take it?

    Let my husband speak his mind and if you object why not speak yours instead you so quick to ban him or are you afraid he might make sense come May and are you liverpool supporters who feel the exact same towards Man Utd ashamed and afraid to agree with him because people will call you stupid, what has the world come to when someone has faith in a cause he is branded and banned? He has pride towards Liverpool and a belief that they are capable of winning trophies and beating Man Utd and is that so wrong?

    Do you liverpool supporters who were so quick to criticise him not feel the same?
    Do you want Utd to beat you or would you love with all your heart to win 12 - 0?

    You guys are a bunch of hypocrit's and deep down inside you know most of what i say is true and in many cases you agree with my husband and you hope and wish that all he says come true so you can walk after so many years with your head held up high because we all know the best accomplishment is winning the league and its been a long time since it has happened.

    Learn to get passion or else dont support a team, liverpool dont need your support, my husband was one of those who stood outside anfield when stevie g was going to go to chelsea, when they win or lose he is there with his PASSIONATE liverpool fans who sing and have passion regardless of everything and thanks to guys like him liverpool is still around and selling tickets because if it was fans like you tickets would not be sold because they give their full support when the team is up and down.

    When you see fans screaming in the crowd wearing the red liverpool shirt what opinion do they have?
    Let me teach you something they share the same opinion as my husband because with a passion and love for a club comes belief even when all odds are stacked against you, if you passionless liverpool fans were at the stadium in Istanbul we would have lost but he was there and 3 - 0 down the fans kept singing and only got louder and thanks to people like him we won

    Think about yourselves because right now most liverpool fans would be ashamed of you, shows you not from liverpool and always will


  3. this is unreal he has his wife fighting his battles!
    you can see he is a scouse!

  4. can everyone that criticised my husband please speak up in your defence and how you justify not having any passion.

    eb_kop end
    stevie g
    Author of the blog swoosh

    all you hypocrites lets hear your criticism, pathetic fans who claim to be supporters of various clubs but do not know the first meaning of being a true fan

    Faheem vezharz and muhammed carim you guys belong in the uk with your fellow die hard supporters.

    Was reading some of this blog and seems like the author is just like my husband, he's team is in the serie B but thinks they can win the champions league, my friend you understand passion and well done, if your other readers had there teams demoted to a lower league i guarantee you they will support chelsea because they winning because they dont understand passion

  5. Gori sugra patel..., you n your husband can go to hell, you dont seem to have a clue wat passion is all about... passion or stupidity? i wonder, this blog is not for ignorant fools like the 2 of u! so buzz off, WE DONT NEED YOUR STUPID COMMENTS! TAKE YOUR PASSION TO YOUR BEDROOM MAYB IT WILL WORK THERE! LET YOUR HUSBAND SPEAK HIS MIND OUT 2 U!

  6. eb_kop end so have you ever been to liverpool or seen anfield my supposed fellow passionate liverpool fan?

    Now i wont get a response from you because its most likely you have not

  7. Yes i have being plenty of times! By the does it concern you?
    AS much as we hate united, you cannot pass CRAZY,STUPID,IGNORANT COMMENTS! YOUR THEORIES ARE totally ludicrous!!!

  8. Swoosh as i asked earlier where is this site being advertised?

    Gori no offence but your husband has no way of phrasing anything constructively, the same point he makes can be put across in a less offensive manner but than again he seems to want to be offensive.

    I've been to highbury and the emirates stadium and i can understand passion after speaking to some of the local lads and i agree with a few points, only a few.

    Say your say and tell your husband to say he's but there's no reason to criticise others who are not directly involved or have any influence on the outcome of any game, why does our opinion matter so much to you and why do we have to justify anything to you?

    Where do you come into this whole argument?

    As a arsenal fan i dont think im involved in this so please take out your passion problems on those involved.

    UTD okes maybe the only way to win this war is to show her what kind of passion arises from manchester and trafford.

    By the way nice name, sure the boys oved it

  9. Swoosh you just know how to cause controversy on your blog. I think this character Goolam and Gori Sugra Patel are infact you trying to cause shit and cause controversy.

    The Juve Serie B thing gave it away.

  10. gori sugra patel!!!
    where do you people come up with this!!!
    10 points for originality!!
    finally i'm not bored!!

  11. ebi_Kop end what stands on the right hand side of the stadium?

    Faaiz dont ever criticise, last time i checked the table you lads were 6th so shut your trap, supporting arsenal is as bad as supporting UTD, you london bustards think you better than everyone else with all your money and you so high and mighty, good chelsea kicked you of the throne in london and how does it feel to be second best in your own city.Who do you think you are to criticise my husband? You support a one man team, whats going to happen when he leaves because he will, who wants to play for your pathetic team?

  12. Gori Sugra Patel...

    Please don't defame me by praising me in your comments...

    I am a die-hard LFC supporter and I have been to Anfield to watch my boys play... but I am also a football fan that respects informed, constructive footballing comments...

    There is always room for banter and insults.... but not when they are idiotic and senseless..

    Guys like Azee are die-hard MUFC fans... but I can have a good footballing chat with him... Goolam may be a die hard LFC fan, but I don't think I could speak football with him...

    You and your husband should support Birmingham.. your local club... maybe your hatred for MUFC stems from Steve Bruce geeting your team relegated... not from your support of Liverpool

  13. Gori Sugra Patel

    Feel free to say ur say.
    For all I care you probably the same person as Goolam Patel.

    If your comments are deemed constructive they will be published. If its Childish it wont.

    The only time you and Goolam can have freedom of speech is the ABUS vs ALIS JIHAD POST. Until then keep it constructive or else you will be ignored.

    Yes I slate Utd, Yes I am Anti Utd, And I still will

    By the way Liverpool have signed Jonaten Zebina from Juve for an undisclosed Fee


  14. Gori you more of a joke than anything else, we playing wigan tonight and a win guarantee's us 3rd place so be patient and i'll send you a message tomorrow rectifying your mistake

    So Gori when you need to turn your husband on do you walk in with liverpool underwear or a peter crouch kit?

    Would i be wrong in assuming you got a ian rush moustache?

    When you having a fight do you sing the UTD song to him?

  15. He proposed to me at anfield so yes he gets turned on when i wear liverpool underwear, and in bed he plays like liverpool in full flight i tell you, 12 nil against UTD everynight.
    Whats wrong with a ian rush moustache? I think its sexy, you guys all use beckhams hairstyles and he's ugly, you guys must be looking like shit plus wearing UTD and arsenal t-shirts how pathetic.
    As for the UTD song i love him too much to do that to him




  17. All you anonymous criticeses why not leave a name or you scared, blog owner why you not publishing my previos post?

  18. Gori is a wanker!

  19. What the f&*k is going on?
    Swoosh this is ridiculous!

    i think this is the work of verzhaz?

  20. Gori Bhai. I think you and uncle Goolam are smoking pot in your bedroom before you post your comments. There is a way of saying things. Week after week i knock down all the Liverpool fans on this blogg. Don't hear any of them wanting me banned. Its how you do it. No need to call them wankers. I have passion, but respect for opposition fans as well. Lots of your theories are based on grade 2 thinking. You wanna beat United 12-0. Is that even possible. This is the EPL not FIFA 07. In conclussion I'd like to say that you and your husband should be banned from having children. If you ever come to South Africa I will meet you at the airport with your yellow jacket and take you to this wonderful place called TARA.

  21. Biggy , even TARA wont take them!
    I think they need to stay where they r! PLZ DONT COME TO SA!!!

  22. What the %$@# is going on here Swoosh. Maaf but I've been away on holiday and just got back yesterday.

    Who the hell are Goolam and Gori Patel and why are they being banned?

  23. Ban gori ben.


  24. This is officially my 1st blog comment... People like GSP (who i personally feel is not feeling too well on this monday morning) Say what you have to... but rember its give and take. So Mr hardcore fan from the KAKend home of LiverSTOOL let it be known that the mad red shaytaan fan has arrived... At least oil sumps wont be broken (for those who understand) Gori let the games begin


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