Thursday, January 04, 2007


Well I had the priviledge of meeting Hash on Monday evening at our hotel. We sat in the foyer of the hotel having coffee. I must Say . What a owe. Down to Earth and a true ambasador for our Muslim Youth. We spoke for a long while and indeed a highlight of my trip. I said to Hash Dont Worry a hundred is coming at Newlands, It will ease the pressure. And Alhumdullillah the man is 50 NOT OUT and I can sense a Big One Coming. So Insha-allah a century beckons for our man.

I also chatted to Hash about the blog and told him the support that he recieves from it. He also said that he appreciates the tributes and support that he recieves from this blog.

So well Done Hash, We with you all the way......................


  1. Nice to have you back swoosh... Hashim Bhai... well dont on your 63. now just keep it up... pile on the runs...

  2. way to go
    you doing us proud


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