Sunday, August 10, 2008


As promised, is the pictures of the JISWA School Sports Day that Took place a while Back. For those of you that dont know, The JISWA School is a school that educates the Mentally Handicapped and Physically Disabled Children

Again from the money we raised on the Swossh0018 Charity Foundation and To every single person that Contributed, this is where your efforts no show. We contributed some money to the Sports Day to make an inch of a difference and to put that Smile on the Kids Faces. In pictures and a Video, These are the Results.

We made the difference. To take part in Sports and Win is everyones Dream, To do it with a smile and Spirit is the Pinnacle,It is the Ultimate Accolade
Some people do not have the strength but they have the passion. With Passion you can achieve Great things. Sports is about Spirit......................................

And to help people with Spirit is the greatest feeling ever.

A special Thank you to everybody that assisted and contributed to the Swoosh0018 Charity Fun Day on 2n December 2007 and to Soraya Akalwaya for handling the Integration. TO THE TEACHERS and Volunteers to the Jiswa School...

You are doing a sterling job and you are the Unsung Heroes

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